Tuesday, October 2, 2012


As an American I think every single one of us has been on Google and at least done researching with it. I knew there was other tools but never really bothered to use them before this class. 
Google Alerts is a program that I think i will enjoy. I love to be up to date with the news and I think this has to be an easy way to do it. I don't tweet or use my cell phone as many people do for their news so this would be an excellent tool for us who aren't so tech savvy. As i was sitting there playing with it I decided I would set up an alert for Atlanta Braves. It was so simple to do and I had it sent to my Gmail account. 
As a teacher this would be a great way to keep up with the world news.  You can use this in History, science class etc. 
Google Calendar seems to be an excellent way to stay organized. As a parent, student and army wife I need all the ways i can get to stay organized. I think this would be perfect as a teacher and so simple to keep up with.We all need help when it comes to accomplishing the things we have to do. 
Google Translate seemed to confuse me way more than anything else did on here.I personally would not be using this one.
Picasa- is a tool that i have visited before.I do not have anything on there but i do believe it would be easy to use for us all. 

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