Saturday, September 29, 2012


I have been on Flickr before but only to look at something a friend posted. I love the idea of sharing pictures but i have never been one to share on here.  While i was playing on Flickr I seen pictures of Fall, football, mountains and many more things. I decided to search for a picture on here and looked up mountains as i want to live there one day. I absolutely love the mountains and decided to look for a beautiful autumn picture. It took a few different pictures that would allow me to share.

Thing 6

Wow i did not realize how great all of these websites can be. It was amazing to see a list of 100 sites that i could research. After looking at many of them I decided I would write about Youtube. I have found myself on Youtube often without even realizing i was looking at it. I love being able to listen to music, watch videos or movies on here. It can be very motivating and fun. As a teacher i could see myself using a clip from Youtube especially if a person was having a hard time with a subject. I found myself looking up a ton of videos for second grade. Here is a link to second grade English video called Noun Song. Hopefully the link will work correctly for you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thing 5

At this point and time I am not sure which is more terrifying the ever changing side of the technology world or how fast our education system seems to be changing. It seems that the education system has done more than 360 degrees since I graduated high school in 1998. The technology that now you have to learn and know to teach or even be in school is amazing. I love the fact the article we read said  In School 2.0, learning doesn't just take place in the school, but in a combination of home, school, and community that collaborates to bring the wider world into day-to-day instruction and provide a rich array of learning opportunities. In School 2.0, there is no one path to achieve learning. 
Many times i think we feel like we are on a wrong way course but this statement above shows there are many ways to be successful. If my students come out of the classroom understanding this theory then i think it can lead to a successful story.To become a teacher i think it is very important to realize that technology and all of its new inventions is whats going to make me a better teacher. It will take a ton of hard work but it can be done even if it has to be practiced many many times. I at times wish we were back to just the chalkboard to teach but in reality our children would fall farther behind in their studies and our country would not be considered a strong country. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thing 2

I am new to this blog atmosphere but it was pretty easy to set up my account by myself. The only thing i couldn't figure out yet is how to put my avatar on here.  Every time i tried it would tell me it did not work so it will be something i continue to work on. The set up was easy as long as you took the time to follow the directions step by step. My blogs name is not very creative since this is for class I figured i would put it simple so i could remember it. I am not artistically creative in any way so i cant imagine having one that was much more creative. The avatar i made when i finally do get to put it on here was not really that creative either. I used dark hair like mine but besides that i would not say it represents me. I tried to make it basic like i am but it still would not be described as looking like me.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thing 3

As a teacher of an elementary classroom I think having a blog will make it easy for parents, children and any administrator to leave comments on the items that i may write on there. It would be a perfect way to make sure all children and parents know not only what is going on inside the classroom during the day but also let them know where they could find homework assignments that are going on. This is also perfect if there are projects going on and the teacher may need some sort of item that the children should bring in. It really would be an excellent way for communication! Also a teacher could have a blog that isnt linked directly to her classroom. She could have it for other teachers to comment on and give suggestions on decorating, classroom ideas, and even lesson plans. It could be an excellent choice especially for a new teacher.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thing #1

I love that there is an article about lifelong learning for all of us to see. The 7 1/2 habits of highly successful learners was a very interesting slideshow. I personally would have problems with the learning habit of using technology to my advantage. I am not the type of person who has to have the best camera, phone or newest piece of technology. I will have a hard time trying to include technology inside the classroom. I would be fine only using the basics in the classroom. I am hoping I can learn many of the new technologies in the classroom before I actually become a teacher. Habit number 2, being responsible for my own learning, will be the easiest for me. I consider myself a person who likes to succeed and be successful at all times so in everything I do i think about before doing it. I want to be happy with my decisions so I look at all sides of a situation before making my choices.